Volume is below average and even though the MACD has ticked up, it is still in a bearish pattern.
Now, let's take a look at a daily chart for SPY, which is the ETF that tracks the S&P500 on a one-to-one (non-leveraged) basis. The chart of SPY clearly shows the same price movements as the S&P500 and the 50day and 200day moving averages converge at the right side of the chart. (click on the chart for a larger view)

At the bottom portion of the chart the Call and Put option volumes are plotted. Notice anything interesting at the right side?
A very distinct spike is visible right before the place of convergence of the averages. A vertical line has been drawn to align the top of the call volume spike with that of the price chart.
At this point a lot of call options are exchanging hands. Buyers of the Calls are betting that the S&P500 will bounce off the averages and the sellers are taking the reverse side. The wheel spins... but who's placing these bets? Which side are the pros taking and which side are the sheep on?
Option volume is another important technical indicators that signals market sentiment and possible shifts. Even though volume alone does not tell us which way the tide will go, it does tell us that the market is taking sides and that there is a tide coming.......
vix is under 30, so it's much cheaper now too. Lot of money has been put to work recently. Perhaps long funds are writing covered calls to speculators looking for more upward momentum to continue into next quarter.